Gaurav Sharma
Author of eight widely acclaimed books-five in English, three in Hindi, Gaurav Sharma is known for choosing hard-hitting subjects for his novels. His ‘Love @ Air Force is counted one of the best books written in the backdrop of Air Force. His poetry books ‘वहीदा’ and ‘धर्मेन्द्र’ are based on characters played by veteran actors Waheeda Rehman and Dharmendra.

महेश वर्मा
शिक्षाविद् व विज्ञानविद
कवि/समीक्षक/मंच संचालक
परास्नातक,आंग्ल भाषा/जूलॉजी/मूल्य शिक्षा व आध्यात्म विज्ञान
डीसी, विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी परिषद् उत्तर प्रदेश
डीसी, राष्ट्रीय बाल विज्ञान कांग्रेस
प्रांतीय महासचिव, विज्ञान चेतना समिति, उ. प्र. ®️
संस्थापक, नवल रश्मि साहित्यिक संस्था
पाठ्य पुस्तकों का लेखन(प्रगति प्रकाशन)

निधि भार्गव मानवी
कवयित्री/ लेखिका/मंच संचालिका
नवल रश्मि-एक भोर नई संस्था की संस्थापिका ..दो पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन -“अनकहे जज़्बात”, “मैं निधि हूँ”। ये अनेक टीवी चैनलों पर काव्य पाठ कर चुकी है। इनकी कविताएँ विभिन्न समाचार पत्रों पत्रिकाओं में नियमित रूप से छपती रहती हैं।

Binod Mairta
Journalist, translator, poet and writer, Binod Mairta has worked with various newspapers and government organizations. His poems and articles have been published in magazines and newspapers like Sun, The Asian Age and The Times of India. He is author of two books: a novel A Rose on the Platform and a collection of poems, The First Step. He works as a Deputy Director in the Parliament of India and lives in NCR.

Sandeep Sharma
A prolific author and Telugu film industry screenwriter, has penned 7 books, including the renowned bestseller ‘The Coin.’ Additionally, he has contributed reviews for over 300 books across various platforms. Beyond his literary pursuits, Sandeep is a professional banker.

Vedant Saxena
A best-selling author and former hotelier. His debut novel won “Most Promising Romance Book” by CLA. He is currently working on a Research/Creative Writing project for an international NGO. Also, as a counseling psychologist, he has saved thousands of people from suicide, as well as grieving people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.